About Me
Hi there and welcome to the Grow Where You Sow homestead blog!
My name’s Chelsea and I am thrilled you’ve found your way to my blog for whatever reason.
I created Grow Where You Sow, formerly The Green Acre Homestead, almost 5 years ago after feeling completely lost and overwhelmed as a beginning homesteader with absolutely no experience, training or education on this lifestyle.
Starting off as a homesteader in West Central Florida, I now homestead on 5 acres in Eastern Kentucky.
Grow Where You Sow is all about helping you to achieve a fulfilled, successful life while homesteading. From gardening tips to homesteading for beginners, I’m here to provide the best support you can find.
Readers come here to learn how to incorporate homesteading skills in their modern world. We learn to thrive on our homesteads while working towards a more latter-day lifestyle.
My intentions are to provide insight, actionable advice, quality information and a little hope for folks wanting to thrive in the homesteading lifestyle.
My goal is to create a safe, honest space to discuss our experiences as we learn together.
A little bit more about my homesteading journey
It all started in 2016 when my (then) partner and I bought a little homestead in Homosassa, Florida. We embarked on a 5 year long enlightening, and sometimes terrifying, journey becoming full-time homesteaders after being traveling musicians for 2 years.
Made up of 1.25-acres, we raised rabbits, chickens, ducks, and a pig. We grew our gardens in raised beds and planted fruit trees whenever we found a good deal.
Needless to say, my hands and heart were full and my cup runneth over. I was thankful for the opportunity to have my own little slice of heaven to share. I learned a great deal about the Earth beneath our feet and how to appreciate it. I also learned about myself, who I was, am and will be and how to appreciate her [me].
There were moments of heartbreak and moments of joyous celebration knowing we were working towards a goal that promoted sustainability and simple living.
Fast forward to now [2024].
After my partner and I decided to conclude our union in February 2021, I found myself wondering if I genuinely chose the homesteading lifestyle for myself or not. Ultimately, I realized it was the only lifestyle for me. I packed up my stuff, organized it in a 5’x5′ storage unit and hit the road for Eastern Kentucky.
I contributed for a few years to a farm in Eastern KY practicing subsistence agriculture. Farming approximately 50 acres, there were cows, pigs, sheep, goats, equines, chickens, a few livestock dogs and beautiful border collies. I hang dried all my laundry, learned to bake homemade bread, make my own mayonnaise, brew ginger ale and so much more.
After purchasing 5 acres of land here in Eastern Kentucky, I have the opportunity to start over as a newlywed and a mama of one beautiful son.
Living in a 640 sq. ft cabin, my husband and I are building our homestead from scratch and couldn’t be more excited about it. Of course there is a bit of dread starting completely over, but there is far more hope and excitement for second chances. To have the opportunity to do things a little different than the first time is delightful.
As the days move forward, I hope you stick around to digest our mistakes, rejoice with me in our victories and allow me to help you learn to thrive on your homestead.
If you’d like to contact me directly, feel free to email me at Chelsea(at)growwhereyousow.com