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Best poultry shears (Review)

Disclaimer: Grow Where You Sow may earn a commission of your purchase after utilizing the links on this page at no extra cost to you. I am reviewing this product on my own volition and have not to be persuaded in any way to do so from any outside entity.

When I started culling animals, it became clear I was going to need a pair of poultry shears and I wanted the best shears I could get.

Me being the slightly lazy shopper I am through them on my Christmas wish list one year and my mother in law, who’s REAL good at reading reviews, bought a pair.

I promise you when I say they really are the best poultry shears I’m gonna find!

poultry shears review

The best poultry shears out there!

When looking for new additions to my toolbox, I look for a few things:

  1. Quality
  2. Price
  3. Versatility

These poultry shears checked all those boxes. I’ve had them almost 4 years now and they haven’t started breaking down, the price is right and I have used them over and over again.

These poultry shears have such great reviews that it came up as the first option when looking for poultry shears on Google!


These shears are so sharp that I was a little nervous to use them in the beginning. The description is not kidding when it says they’ll cut right through bone. It makes culling and quartering chickens so much easier.


Since these shears are spring loaded, you can easily use them with one hand while butchering. They pop right back up once you’ve made a cut, setting you up for the next cuts to come.

At the end of your culling session, you’ll have nicely butchered animals with no jagged cuts like you might have with a knife!

Locking ability

I especially love this feature. When your shears aren’t in use they have a lock on the end of the handles to secure the blades in place.

If you’re like me and tend to set things down then forget about it, this feature is a huge perk.

I can’t tell you how many times I would have sliced my palm right open grabbing for these shears had they not been locked shut!

Cuts through all bone

I don’t only use these on poultry, folks. They also come in handy when I’m processing rabbit! I know folks who use poultry shears when butchering all poultry, rabbit and other small game.

Will these cut through pork bones? No. But they can get through tendons if you need a quick ‘clip’!

Curved blades

Oh, the curved blades. This is a beautiful characteristic because it makes processing time smooth and easy to get into those ‘odd’ spaces that would sometimes be more difficult with a knife.

See, I get nervous holding a knife in my hand when it’s wet with blood. I’ve slipped a few times in the past and nicked myself. With these poultry shears, I do almost all the butchering/processing without a knife.

Some people would say to never, ever do that. My motto is to find what works and stick with it. I do use a knife still but I always have my poultry shears nearby.

Nice, curved handle grip

This feature also comes in handy when processing your livestock. Along with a curved blade, you have a nice curve handle with grip.

That mean when these handles get wet, might hand doesn’t slip and slide! No more nicks for me.

With a curved handle and a curved blade, you can expect a smooth ride every time.

Comes apart for easy cleaning

The first time I ever butchered an animal I forgot a pot outside I had used. Let’s just say you don’t want to leave bloody appliances sitting around outside. You will not come back to a pleasant surprise.

The best poultry shears come apart for easy cleaning, and that’s exactly what these do. Spray, soap and wash every nook and cranny this tool has.

You don’t want weird bacteria or flies swarming your shears for your next use…trust me.

I take my shears completely apart and wash them thoroughly (be careful for that sharp blade, though!) and then I air dry them while they’re still taken apart.

Once they’re dry, re-assemble your shears and stow them away for safe keeping.

The best poultry shears there are, are these

The only thing I would change about these shears is that don’t come with a carrying case. But honestly? That’s a small complaint when the rest of the features I absolutely love.

I hope you love these shears if you try them. And if you have a different pair of poultry shears let me know what they are! Until then, I’ll remain sturdy to believe these are the best poultry shears out there at an affordable price.

best poultry shears

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